Wednesday 12 November 2014

Awesome Google Map poppy for Remembrance Day

War Veteran, Ben McBean, who lost a leg in Afghanistan in 2008, decided mark Remembrance Day in a very special way.

Read the full story here..   to see how he got the community involved

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Psychometric Testing

Knowing why companies and organisations use psychometric testing can ease some of your possible concerns that the tests are out to typecast or dismiss you. On the whole Psychometric tests can be used to measure a range of skills such as numerical, mechanical/logic, abstract and verbal reasoning, and the tests are aimed at finding the most able and best suited person for a job. 

Psychometric tests are not simple, they may often be difficult and challenging, however just like your tests at school or university, practice leads to improved performance! To get the most out of the assessment you need to be prepared so practice on as many mock test that you can get your hands on. You can find many free tests, templates and examples on the internet. Here are a few examples: