Wednesday 28 October 2015

Mapping Gang Warfare

Google maps  showing London's Turf Wars 

Gangs have been operating around the world since the 17th century and now in the 21st century are considered one of the most serious crime problems in most cities around the world.  Californian Justice Department consider criminal street gangs to be the single largest threat to public safety.  Traditionally gangs were formed by groups of similar backgrounds and motivations coming together in a neighbourhood or territory, but now with social media being so prevalent in all our lives, the internet is now being used as recruitment as well as bragging platforms which means they have now become global enterprises, according to Dr Robert Muggah of the SevDev Foundation.  

The SevDev Foundation use this the gang's online activity to monitor activity as it would seem that the majority of the gangs do not disable the geolocations on their twitter and facebook postings, making it possible to track their online activity to a specific place.

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